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Movies and television depict heroes who have a strong mind. We admire people who push the limits. Heroes and tough guys let us walk in their shoes, if only for a couple of hours. We feel what it’s like to have the mental toughness to break out of a seemingly boring existence, and enter into a much bigger world, one that is full of possibility. The reality is this: You and I must also be strong-minded if we are to overcome the obstacles we meet every day. We know that it takes more than talent or skill to become a top performer. Research studies indicate that intelligence accounts for only 30% of our achievement. So what does make a good leader, athlete or parent? The answer is a strong mind that pushes through adversity. It is an inner quality that enables people to work hard and stick to their goals. The good news is that a strong mind is not something you were born with. It is something that can be developed. According to 48 laws of power (law 5) Reputation is the cornerstone of
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FG releases treasury looters list; it is laughable, misleading – PDP

By Emmanuel Aziken, Johnbosco Agbakwuru,By Dirisu Yakubu& Prince Okafor The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed on Friday released the list of those, he said allegedly looted the economy during the stewardship of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP. Lai Mohammed He also mentioned the names of five people and the amount allegedly siphoned by them from the office of the National Security Adviser, NSA. However, those listed still have pending alleged corruption cases in the courts. According to Mohammed: ”The PDP has challenged us to name the looters under their watch. They said they did not loot the treasury. “I am sure they know that the treasury was looted dry under their watch. Yet they decided to grandstand. This shows the hollowness of their apology to Nigerians. Let us just give them a teaser. “This list is just a tip of the iceberg, and the PDP is aware of this. We did not make these cases up. Many of these cases are in court and the records are avail


 The difference between the poor and rich nations is not the age of the nation. This can be demonstrated by countries like India and Egypt, which are more than 2000 years old and are still poor countries. On the other hand, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which 150 years back were insignificant, today are developed and rich countries. The difference between the poor and rich nation does not also depend on the available natural resources. Japan has limited territory, 80% mountainous, unsuitable for agriculture or farming, but is the second in worlds economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw material from the whole world and exporting manufactured products. Second example is Switzerland, it does not grow cocoa but produces the best chocolates in the world. In her small territory she rears animals and cultivates the land only for four month in a year, nevertheless manufactures the best milk products. A small country which is


This's one death too much for the Atakiiti clan of Akure kingdom. Sad indeed! An Opomulero you have become since the exit of the family  patriarch. Prophet Olugbenga Ojo, why so early? The thought of  your demise wells up morbid thoughts in us -- all  emphasising the vanity and futility  of human existence. Sun're o,  olufe!            The GPC Church  worldwide which you founded shall miss your pastoral and  prophetic absence; the Atakiiti clan have lost an icon of inestimable worth;  christiandom, friends, acquaintances, and of course humanity at large, shall sorely miss you, Egbon.   Rest on,  beloved, until me meet to part no  more!       May the good Lord, the Omniscient, grant your humble soul eternal rest and sufficient fortitude to the entire Atakiti family of Akure kingdom to bear this unfortunate loss.

Monetisation of politics is eroding our political system - Bisi Akande

Chief Bisi Akande, former Interim National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), says the development of Nigeria’s political system is being curtailed by what he called monetisation of politics. Akande, stated this in a remark on Friday at the meeting of Osun APC Elders Forum also known as ‘Agba Osun’ in his country home, Ila. According to Akande monetisation of politics should be urgently curtailed because the practice has eroded the core values of politics in the country. Akande, a former governor in the state, also urged the APC leadership to continue to uphold the politics of service to the people. “No matter the pressure being promoted by the general outlook of corruption that forms the foundation of the problems in the country, we must not deviate from service to the people. Read more........


In 1985, Dasuki arrested Buhari. In 2016, Buhari arrested Dasuki. In 1995, Al Mustapha arrested Obasanjo on the order of General Abacha. In 1999, Obasanjo arrested Al Mustapha and he was jailed for 8 years. In 2010, Prof Osibajo was answerable to Gov Fashola as one of his commissioner. In 2017, Fashola became answerable to Acting President Osibanjo as one of his minister. In 2005, Diego Simeone was under Fernando Torres. Torres was the Club Captain despite being far younger than Simeone; but He did what Torres ordered. In 2016, Diego Simeone is now Fernando Torres coach. Torres now takes orders from Simeone. In the 90's under Rawlings regime Dr. Spio Gabriel was the minister of communications and Mahama was his deputy. Today John Mahama is the President and has employed his former boss as minister. Life is like a COIN thrown up in the air. You can't really predict which side will turn up. NO ONE STAYS ON TOP FOREVER. IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME AND SEASON. That


BY Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Tribalism is not our problem. Tribalism and religion are artificial problems created by selfish leaders for their own personal interest. There are only two major tribes in Nigeria. The Elites and the Masses. Once you make lots of money, you belong to the elite tribe. When you are a commoner or suffering, you belong to the tribe of the masses. If you are an elite, and you need more power, or elective position, you sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, so as to sway their emotion for your personal victory. This happens at both the national and state level. Unfortunately, after the election when they have won and joined their “sworn enemies” to drink and party, the gullible masses continue to fight each other. Even smart people who belong to the masses, sometimes will sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, and then the masses will carry them up until they belong to the elite class.  It is a classic strategy used over 3000 years ago in