This's one death too much for the Atakiiti clan of Akure kingdom. Sad indeed! An Opomulero you have become since the exit of the family patriarch. Prophet Olugbenga Ojo, why so early? The thought of your demise wells up morbid thoughts in us -- all emphasising the vanity and futility of human existence. Sun're o, olufe! The GPC Church worldwide which you founded shall miss your pastoral and prophetic absence; the Atakiiti clan have lost an icon of inestimable worth; christiandom, friends, acquaintances, and of course humanity at large, shall sorely miss you, Egbon. Rest on, beloved, until me meet to part no more! May the good Lord, the Omniscient, grant your humble soul eternal rest and sufficient fortitude to the entire Atakiti family of Akure kingdom to bear this unfortunate loss.